Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Mission Maths in Year 6

Mission Maths in Year 6
The children in Year 5 and 6 had to break the combination lock codes to reveal their mystery letter. We had great fun and did lots of cool maths at the same time!

Monday, 23 March 2015


Some more of our designs. Look out for height, depth and speeds along the way.

I want to go to America...HAVE A NICE DAY!

Here are some of our Orlando Roller-coaster ride designs.

Panto letters

Panto letters

Panto letters

Panto letters

Trio Sportsacro

Trio Sportsacro

Eclipse photos by Esme

Esme used the reverse camera option so she did not have to look directly into the light.

Everglades work

Everglades work

Everglades work

Everglades work

Everglades work

Everglades - some videos!

We watched a series of videos to find out about the Everglades. Here are some links:

Saw grass prairie

There are other videos in the series which are not listed.

Friday, 20 March 2015

Goodbye to Ibu

Ibu did work experience with us this week. We were glad to have him around helping us. We wish him the best for the future.

Monday, 16 March 2015

Ambition Overcoming Obstacles!

In PSHCE we have been finding out about the obstacles faced by famous people, on the way to success.